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Guest Blog from JK at Where the Mind Grows: Choose the Pond

5 Aug 2024

As I trundle down the path from the main glamping site, to the woodland where I coach. I meander through the site on the man-made path, that directs me through the grounds.

Before disappearing - or returning as I prefer to see it - to the wild of the woods. 

The same on the way back up.

At a juncture. The path continues between two wildlife ponds. Vibrant with life. 

At first, I kept my head down or focused on my thoughts. Grateful that the path makes it oh so much easier to get from here to there.

But then one day I paused 

Noticing a mowed path by the far side of the pond

A simple cut-through or an invitation perhaps? From the landowners, who also found their way, someday to the pond's gentleness. 

Choose this path. Past the still calm water. Where the odd flicker tells me there is a huge amount of activity and vitality. 

Dragonflies, water boatmen, frogs, toads and (if you are lucky) a newt too. 

Other ripples my eyes can't make out. A mysterious moment of wonder. 

Now I always choose the pond.
Never letting these moments pass me by. 
These small delights are disproportionately nourishing.

Rebellious of time - as I breathe in the choice to just stand and be here now!

Each time something new to see or hear. Or smell, touch or contemplate.

A moment just for me.
A moment just for you too, if you so choose! 

Now I share this with those who come to the woods too.

A moment, at the start -or end of our coaching experience.

These moments don't pass us by. 

In which we choose, for ourselves, to connect.
Whatever to-do-ing and froing I have in between and beyond. 

I always remember, to choose the pond. 

Where can you choose moments with Nature, in your life or workplace?
#NatureConnection #EmotionalRegulation #SelfLeadership

JK offers coaching at Little Seed Field in group or 121 formats, for those people needing help managing stress, low mood, lack of confidence and all of life’s challenges.  You can see more about her work at

Guest Blog from JK at Where the Mind Grows:  Choose the Pond

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